First Chinese Presbyterian Church 100th Anniversary! PCUSA


We, as members of the First Chinese Presbyterian Church, the people of God, strive to nurture our spirituality, serve God faithfully, spread the Gospel and service the community that God's great love may be manifested.

Our Belief

We believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. We believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God. Jesus was crucified, suffering the depths of human pain and giving his life for the sins of the world. Jesus rose from the dead, breaking the power of sin and evil, delivering us from death to life eternal. We believe in the Holy Spirit. The Spirit justifies us by grace through faith, sets us free to accept ourselves and to love God and neighbor, and binds us together with all believers in the one body of Christ, the Church.

To learn more about Presbyterian history and beliefs, visit Presbyterian 101.

Our Governance 2025

The Session

The Session is responsible for the mission and government of FCPC. It consists of the Pastor who is the Moderator, Associate Pastor, and nine elected Elders.

Moderator: Rev. Laura Jervis
Clerk of Session: Jonathan Chui
Associate Clerk of Session: Jimmy Shek
Miao Li Lee, Mei Luk, David Chung, Henry Quan, Milton Mui

Board of Deacons

The Board of Deacons supports and assists the Session to fulfill the mission of FCPC. In particular, it is responsible for ministering to those who are in need. It consists of nine elected deacons, with the Ministers and Missionary Assistants as ex-officios.

Chairperson: Fanny Louie
Vice-Chairperson: Frances Fong
Secretary: Mo Ching Lam Chew
Visitation: Christine Louie, Susan Quan
Members: Kit Lam, Sau Wah Chan, Amy Wong, Kin Hung Yu
Nominating Committee: Frances Fong, (Alt.) Fanny Louie
Church Anniversary Committee: Amy Wong, (Alt.) Susan Quan

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the fiscal matters, property and physical maintenance of FCPC. It consists of nine elected trustees, with the Ministers and the Session Representative as ex-officios.

Chairman: San Leong
Vice Chairman: Henry Quan
Secretary: Cynthia Chan
Treasurer: Yuk Ching Fong
Assistant Treasurer: Kit Lam
Bookkeeper: Kin H.Yu
Auditor: Niteung Lee
General Duties: David Chung, Ada Chan

Elections of Representatives to Boards, Committees and Fellowships, and Assignments of Responsibilities 2025

Moderator: Rev. Laura Jervis
Clerk of Session: Jonathan Chui
Associate Clerk of Session: Jimmy Shek
Board of Deacons: Mei Luk
Board of Trustees: William Tsang
JYF: William Tsang
BASIC: William Tsang
Adult Fellowship: William Tsang
Music Ministry: David Chung
Sunday School: Jimmy Shek
Women's Guild: Mei Luk
Senior Fellowship: Mei Luk
Married Couples: Miao Li Lee
Community Affairs: Milton Mui
Foundation Fund: William Tsang
Children Ministry: Elaine Shao
Ushers: Ada Chan / Henry Quan
Evangelical: Elaine Shao
Multi Media Ministry: San Leong / Virgil Wong / Kin Hung Yu
Christian Education: CRE Peng Leong
Summer Conference: David Chung*
Church Outing: David Chung*
Anniversary Planning: David Chung / Henry Quan / Mei Luk*
Worship Committee (Chinese}: San Leong
Worship Committee (English): Milton Mui
Church Facilities: David Chung
Church Records: Jimmy Shek
Scholarship Selection: William Tsang* / Vicki Shek / Elaine Shao
3-Board Meeting: Jonathan Chui*
Publication: San Leong
Chinese Consolidated Benevolence Association: Henry Quan
Christian Chinese Burial Association: Kin Hung Yu
Commissioner to Presbytery: San Leong
Nominating Committee for 2024: Henry Quan*
Pastor Nominating Committee: Jonathan Chui*
Church Renovation Committee: David Chung*, / Milton Mui


For information of FCPC form of government, please go to: FCPC BY-LAWS

To learn more about Presbyterian form of government, please go to: Book of Order 2019-2021.