The objective of the Married Couples Fellowship is to grow in God’s love through sharing, learning and developing ourselves in fellowship so as to establish a Christian family, to serve the church. Membership is open to all married persons. Regular meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 2:15 p.m. The program of activities include prayer, Bible study, devotion, talks and seminars, discussions, games and sports, annual retreat, summer conference and long weekend trip.
Married Couples Fellowship Committee 2022
Chair: Mr & Mrs Yuk Ching Fong
Vice Chair/Devotion: Mr & Mrs David Chung
Secretary/Treasurer: Mr & Mrs Henry Quan
Social: Mr & Mrs Gerry Yong, Mrs Mei Luk
General Duty: Mrs Miao Li Lee, Mr & Mrs Daniel Lam
Session Rep: Mrs Mei Luk